ART OF TALKING BOARDS with Karen A. DahlmanRevealing Ouija Tenets
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 30, 2020 | Art of Talking Boards, Blogs
Published in Haunted Magazine, Issue 28 / hauntedmagazine.co.uk / Order your copy: deadgoodpublishing.com
The Meaning of Ouija Board Symbols
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jun 8, 2019 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hello Karen. My name is Taylor. I just have a question on using a ouija board. When I was playing by myself, like in one of your videos, there was definitely a spirit with me, but the planchette didn’t move to answer my question, it only moved to one of the...
Is the Board to be Blamed for Bad Luck?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Apr 12, 2019 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Honestly, this is such a long shot, but I’m reaching out to others who have experience with Ouija boards. Really just looking for some answers. My girlfriend and I played with this board that we purchased from Toys-R-Us. The last time we played it, it...
Are EVPs Safer Than Using a Ouija Board?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jan 30, 2019 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Someone said that ITC (instrumental transcommunication) or EVP (electronic voice phenomena) is safer because you’re asking the spirit to manipulate an electronic device, whereas with Ouija you are asking spirit to manipulate your hand to move the planchette,...
Your Partner and Progress on the Ouija Board
by Karen A. Dahlman | Dec 21, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen, I am loving watching your videos and learning more about the ouija board. I especially loved when Panzer came through and Rodney teared up. He is such a sweetheart; you are lucky to have such a perfect board partner. Mine tends to dominate the...
How Do I Know Who is Coming Through?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 24, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hello Karen, just wanted to say I have read your book The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication and it's amazing. I Have my own spirit board which I use on my own and have had great results. Quick question, how can I know that my dad really came...
Fear (Folklore) About Using the Ouija Board Alone
by Karen A. Dahlman | Aug 24, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Comment: Karen, do you realize one of the reasons one should not use a Ouija board alone is because the chance of coming across a malicious spirit who wants to possess you will have a harder time when it's two body energies versus one body energy? This has been said...
Getting over the Hump of Fear!
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 6, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hello Karen. I haven't used the spirit board in a while because of this crazy dowsing rod session I had. It was answering questions like crazy. I didn't like the feel of it so I ended it. When it comes to using the spirit board it has been positive. It has...
Is it an Evil Spirit Masquerading?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Apr 16, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen how are you? I just thought I'd give you an update on how we are getting on using the board. It’s been great on every time. I try not to use it too much--about once every 3-4 months, sometimes more sometimes less. Sometimes it’s slow to start, but...
Can Anything Bad Happen When Using the Ouija Board?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jan 6, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Karen, Can anything bad happen when using the ouija board? William Answer: Hi William, It depends upon what you consider “bad.” For example, I had a spirit cuss at me once. I considered that “bad” because it’s not the way I like or let others treat me. Now,...
Further Thoughts on Zozo…
by Karen A. Dahlman | Sep 28, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Blogs
Why do some people experience Zozo and others do not? I believe that an energetic vibration, such as what many call “zozo” can be drawn to oneself, not unlike any other archetypal influence. This is no different from drawing another type of archetypal influence to...
The “Spiritual Heart” Ouija!
by Karen A. Dahlman | Sep 2, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: My dad passed away almost 4 yrs ago. We had a very close relationship and used to have spiritual and even esoteric long talks throughout his life. He told me how years ago one day his brother and he tried a Ouija board and their mom had reached out to them,...
Is it Safe to Use a Ouija Board with Children in the House?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 23, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen, I was given a ouija board by one of my friends 3 months ago. I haven't used it yet as I have 3 boys. My question is, is it safe to use a ouija board when you have children in the house? Thank you, Sam Answer: Hi Sam ~ Thank you for reaching out....
OUIJA: Feeling Exhausted from Board Use
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 23, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hello. Sorry for being informal, but if you ever get to see this message, I was wondering, lady of ouija, if when you first started if you ever felt faint or exhausted? I am doing it alone and most of the time feel faint after using the board. Thanks for...
Ouija: Communication Stops
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 6, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen
Question: Hello Karen, my friend and I are trying to have a board session. We had one spirit come through and say some nice things, but then left with no warning; then we tried to communicate again and the planchette would not move. Why do you think this happened?...
OUIJA: Is it a Toy, a Tool or a Crutch?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jun 22, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Blogs
Quite often to the outsider looking in, the Ouija Board is seen as nothing more than a game, however, a game like no other. The naysayers will denounce it whether they see it as a toy or a tool because they have either been taught...
Ouija: Can you Bring in Bad Spirits?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Apr 8, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen. I'm making my board tomorrow. I have purchased everything I need, but before I do I want to check with you if it possible to bring bad spirits in and not be able to get rid of them? Also, I read not to use it at home. Where would you suggest? Julie...
Ouija & Your Sixth Sense
by Karen A. Dahlman | Mar 7, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Blogs
Many people are attracted to using this tool, a talking board, such as a Ouija Board because they have a curiosity about the afterlife. They want to understand what happens to the departed, if it is possible to be in communication with them and ultimately, what...
What to do About Zozo?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Mar 7, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen! My name is Yannik. I recently bought a Ouija board and have been using it. I used it first with my sister and we came into contact with a good spirit. We spoke to it for a while and eventually asked it for lottery numbers and it gave us some. It...
Is “Spirit” a Catchphrase to Simplify the Brain’s Understanding?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jan 29, 2017 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Dear Karen, When the planchette moves across a Ouija Board, don't you "feel" that on another level, it's not "spirits" but rather a matter of how your brain "simplifies" what is actually happening? Thank you, Nick Answer: Hi Nick, No, I wouldn't simplify it...
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