Many people are attracted to using this tool, a talking board, such as a Ouija Board because they have a curiosity about the afterlife. They want to understand what happens to the departed, if it is possible to be in communication with them and ultimately, what happens to oneself when death occurs. After all, this tool was created to explore the mysterious and the unknown and lends itself to firsthand experience to explore the next dimension over where the deceased continue to exist in another vibratory form.
Other people are drawn to this tool because they are curious to determine if it really works and if they can use it for some gain. This type of desired gain could be anything from locating misplaced money or car keys to wanting predictions and fortune-telling to understanding their relationship to life. The list of reasons goes on, but something quite unexpected typically starts to happen to the user while using this tool seriously.
What I mean by “seriously” is that the user works this tool with respect, while seeking discoveries into the communications that introduce personal insights and revelations. So, this tool becomes viewed and used not as a game or toy, but instead as a valuable tool, serving as a focal point to allow the user to reach into other dimensions of existence. At this juncture the tool, the Ouija Board, is not the important part of the equation for exploring these dimensions, instead the user realizes that they alone are the most important factor to this equation of the Board, planchette and user.
I was once asked during an interview on a show, what was the most important part of this Talking Board tool: the planchette or the Board? I told him that the most important part of the equation was me! I already have the abilities (we all do!) to experience “supernatural” things through senses that exist beyond our five senses inherent within the body. This means that beyond our bodies’ five senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting, we have the ability to tap into the sixth sense and beyond. These senses from beyond are just as real as the five senses we are already use to experiencing.
This is the exciting by-product from using this tool, the user begins to tap into and explore this otherworldly sixth sense. This sense promotes intuition, empathic abilities and sensitivities to “feel” and “know” information, answers and insights that are not only supportive of the individual’s growth, but can be extremely helpful within one’s life and with others.
Using the sixth sense is actually a part of everyone’s every-day life, but it’s just that most of us don’t realize it. I will go a step further and say that we move into realms beyond the five senses all of the time, even unconsciously, but often don’t recognize them. For example, this is when you are thinking about someone and you hear from this person the next day. Another example is when you have a feeling of deja vu or a knowing of what is going to happen next or will be said next and it happens. We tend to call these experiences synchronicities and intuitive hunches. Great monikers for them, but they are actually happening outside of the range of our known five senses, yet are really a “normal” part of our experience once we start learning how to recognize and use these latent senses.
Using the Ouija Board tool can serve as a reminder that the possibility to consciously reach into otherworldly realms and interact with them is extremely feasible and doable. Again, it’s not the Ouija that does this for you, it’s yourself that begins to realize that you are the reason for these connections to happen and it wouldn’t matter if you used a Board, a digital recorder or a rock! The Ouija Board becomes your permission—your authorization—to unlock and use your own latent abilities.
In actuality, we are extremely powerful beings with senses that extend beyond our physical bodies and connect us back into other realms where much of our connectivity to others exists: synchronicity, déjà vu, intuition, telepathy, mediumship, channeling and other so-called “unexplained” abilities. We can use a variety of tools or the Ouija Board as the conscious permission to unleash and open up to the sixth sense and beyond.
Happy Boarding…
Author of: The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication
Hi Karen, I so very much appreciate all of your discussions on the Board and its uses. You have brought much needed common sense and truth to the subject. My mother actually introduced me to the Board as as very young person along with “raising the table,” astral projection and use of the pendulum. The pendulum is the only thing I stayed with due to negative input from friends, etc. I recently made a beautiful hand carved Board and will be re-introducing myself to the art. Thank you for all.
Thank you, Michael. I’m happy to hear that you are coming back to your roots! It will be just like riding a bike for you since you started at a very young age and have experience with the pendulum throughout the years. If you ever feel like sharing your hand carved Board, I’d love to see a photo of it. There is much beauty and artistry that go into the Boards and I’m certain yours is spectacular! Welcome home.
Hi this is Jeffrey, Karen i had used the real wooden board and i have a very light thin wooden planchette with no leg on it, i mean it does slide freely. Um, as i was feeling the subtle with my movements just to recongnise the “feels like” why the planchette isn’t moving but all i could feel is heavy pressures sensory in my heart but it didn’t move on it’s own why? Or is it very possible that the board i had used a long time ago were due bad experienced, that my abilities with the board are sealed means that maybe God sealed my abilities to protect me from using a Ouija Board right? I don’t know, i just know i haven’t had much experienced again maybe that ouija did not choose me. Or maybe my connections with the board are sealed to keep bad things that it wasn’t meant for me to dabble a Ouija Board.
Hi Jeffrey. When one starts using this tool, it really will take some time for it to work, given that one desires to use it and also one isn’t dealing with an internal battle whether it’s okay or not to use such of a device. I would ask yourself this question first: Why do I want to use this device? Then, really hear your answer. Your answer will tell you a lot about the motivation behind your interest and will help steer your way going forward. Let’s say your answer is: To explore the afterlife. Then, you know that your motivation is education through first-handed exploration and discovery. Now, ask yourself if this is okay for you to do given your 1.) beliefs about the Board 2.) What you been told/taught about the Board and 3.) What religious/spiritual struggles you may have using one.
You will really need to resolve any internal conflicts about using this tool to fully relax and allow for the connections to be made. When/if you come to a place that this is merely another tool, means, way, channel to reach into other dimensions and have conversations, then you may find your process with this tool pick up with movements occurring. It’s really about coming to terms with your own beliefs about you, your relationship to the other dimensions (in this example, the Afterlife) and if you feel that this is all right for you in your world. No one can do this for you, but you alone. And, if you so choose that this is not your tool, know that you can still learn to explore the other realms in other ways, such as meditation et al. Before you give up, because I know from other conversations that you are very interested, do some soul-searching about any hesitations you have and where these come from. Then, ask yourself if you are falsely harboring any limitations for embracing your life and living it fully as the Divine/source/All-That-Is would want for you. The Board has nothing to do with this last question, instead, it has become the spring board that brings you to this fork in the road.
Karen.. I don’t think you realized that ouija doesn’t work on me no more as you said it needs further meditation breathing techniques. I had been meditating for awhile nothing seems to help and that darn Ouija Board. Once anyone can make that board to work and when some of them loses abilities gifted years later, none of us can really get it back because once anyone loses abilities, it’s permanent loss meaning that it cannot reconnect again from the other side. Or simply the spirit board doesn’t have important message to deliver, like everything went full and the “feels like went too dull” i mean that like part of it is we lost that special elements of feelings, was because simply the “feels like has moved on years ago” my biggest question is why i do not know how to subconsciously work with the board? I was told by my doctor that i had a minor brain damaged that my subconsciously may not work part of my brain just doesn’t have subconscious auto motor ideo-motor involuntarily muscles movements. I’m feeling that I’m too dang power less can’t be anything in superhuman or inhuman miracle or type of magical. I think it has to do with superstition where if you strongly believe in it, once it gets planted in our minds the seeds will take years to grow, and most likely you can feel something with the board. Or better yet i may have simply lost my attraction with the board have no longer connections with the board. Like the board isn’t drawing me in i don’t feel anything reeling me back into the game. I tend to feel everything is non stuble or i feel you know numb feelings no hope or my chakras is in bad shape that my chakras, it doesn’t really aligned with my beliefs anymore. I think that darn idiot that i watched Hollywood movies about ouija that ruined my positive beliefs, there’s nothing left to repair my damaged chakras an chakras is not trusting me no more, no matter how hard i try to fix it it tells me that it wants me to feel sad, hurts, broken, forgotten or left behind. I don’t choose that but it’s what all my chakras chose to be. It definitely not cooperating with me none this time anymore. Do you have a better suggestions or what i should do about it with my chakras? I’ve tried the most techniques none of them hasn’t worked for me at all… yes i was very patience with virtues here. I think there’s may be a sign that i won’t have that kind of experiences and experiments ever again.
Hi Jeffrey. I feel that you have answered your own question about the Board working for you again. It sounds like it just isn’t your tool right now, but know that there are many other ways to explore other dimensions and energies that exist amongst them. So, why not explore other techniques and I do think that chakra work might be really good for you. I recommend that you do more research on chakras and choose a book about them that intrigues you and draws you in. When you find excitement about a topic, such as chakras (and it doesn’t have to be chakras. It could be another intriguing topic) explore it further. Your excitement is you channeling inspiration from your Higher Self. Follow that excitement and let it take you to the next direction for your exploration and discovery. There are many, many ways to continue along your path of experiences and experiments. The Board is just one way amongst an infinite number of paths.
Great writing. I played with the ouija board with a close friend 20 years ago. Ever since then he has had nothing but nightmares, he is always being watched, and he sees things. For me, I just know things. After researching, I put the word empath to it. I will never use the board again. It’s a dangerous gateway.
thanks again,Steve
Hi Steve. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your friend’s experience. Developing one’s empathic skills is really a very natural ability that tends to happen for those who have a desire to do so first and foremost and therefore, they explore such abilities and allow it to grow within themselves. However, when such openings of these abilities happen, they can be frightening and disconcerting since the experiences are often outside of what we currently believe about our worlds and our limited approach to the unseen dimensions. Please understand that the Board is ONLY a neutral tool/device and the Operator of such a tool is just allowing the Board to be one’s permission to interact with these dimensions. The Operator/oneself is the one who is allowing their empathic abilities to emerge when they use a Board or a number of other means to interact with the unseen dimensions. It’s a matter of how the person uses the tool, which will create the experiences and not the Board that creates the experiences. In other words the “gateway” is YOU and not the Board! The Board is just your permission slip. Happy explorations…
? for Karen , How do you go about your daily life with all the 6th sense’ phenomena going-on all around you. You said you dont need the board to be in communication with the other beings. How do you deal with the distraction, go about your business, do you ever feel your space invaded at times,,even with good ‘spirits’. Can it being annoying. I worry that I am going to open a can of worms as I progress with the use of the board. I am not talking about conjuring up negative spirits but is there a lot of clamor on the other side.
Hi Kent. Great question! It’s very easy to shut things down. Working with the Board really teaches this because when you have a session–you open it, do your work, then close it–so, it teaches you to shut things down when you are done. Know the boundaries that work for you. You will know what and when is acceptable for receiving information and connections and you will know when you need your own time. Since we are here in this world existing in a physical dimension, all of your personal life demands will take precedent and will, quite frankly, keep you grounded and make you focused here more. No, I don’t feel my personal space invaded because I am very grounded within my life and by the mechanisms of it. Also, there isn’t a “lot of clamor” on the other side unless you choose that, but to be working at that type of level requires much, much training, practice and focus. What I have learned is that the “spirits” respect our boundaries, unlike what Hollywood may portray. Much of what you will develop when you open yourself to such Board work will be your own intuition and empathic abilities, which will only help you to read situations, people and decisions with much more clarity. Thank you for your question.
Thank you, so much, for the detailed feedback, there is much ‘food for thought’ in your words.
If I may ask for a bit of advice, if you are willing. Not readily having found a willing and logistically convenient partner, I have been trying to use a conventional size board and haven’t had much luck. Frankly, for myself, it is quite tedious as well as cumbersome keeping my hand hovered over the planchette for any amount of time. Can one put one put the heel of their hand on the board till movement is sensed. Are there various techniques to keeping one’s hand in the right position and applying the right amount of pressure. I was wondering what other divination devices do you recommend that might work for the solo practitioner’. Right now, in the beginning, I would be happy to just get some yes or no answers. May I ask, what is your experience with a pendulum use with various types of boards. Perhaps you can comment on your use of other divination devices. I have to admit that I have not read your newest book so I have to apologize if this question is redundant. Thank- you again for devoting your time to this and other forums. GKT
You are welcome, Kent. Yes, in the beginning learning to use the planchette can be very tedious as you must wait for the energy to build up and you must learn to feel the very subtle pull of the planchette. I do understand the frustration with that. It requires a very light pressure on the planchette from your finger tips, but not so light that your finger tips are moving or bouncing around on the planchette while you are awaiting the movement. (Always make sure your shoulders are dropped.) If you are using it by yourself, you can place your finger tips higher up on the planchette, away from the edges and closer to the indicator hole. In this manner, you have more of an equal pressure towards the middle of the planchette. When I use the planchette by myself that is how I use it. If you can some day even sit with one partner, you will have much better luck getting the planchette to move and then you will have an opportunity to experience and feel the very subtle movement of the planchette when it begins to move. This will then translate better to solo use. After much time working the planchette, though, the movement will become very strong and the sensation feels like a “pulling” sensation that you will feel and then you just have to learn to keep your fingers on the planchette in order to keep up with the movements!
Just placing your hand on the Board to sense the movements, I have never heard of this because all of the movement happens in the planchette. Maybe I misunderstood your question about it?
Yes, I have a couple of pendulums and have used them, but they were too limiting for me because of my exceptional results with the Board. Yet, I know several people who use pendulums with their Boards and are able to get words. However, they tend to use more yes/no questions to get their answers. Why not write the letters in a small circle on a piece of paper and work the pendulum from the middle, allowing it to move towards the letter it wants, spelling out messages and then augment with yes/no questions for clarification?
Another great divination tool to use, which allows one to receive messages right out of the box is either the tarot or oracle cards. I also enjoy this tool when I just want either a daily reading (oracle cards I’ll use) and when I want to go into greater depth I’ll use a tarot deck.
Whichever tool or tools you determine are best for you, you get to explore, hopefully, several of them during the process and allow yourself to open to the unseen energies while doing so. If the Ouija is one such tool you want to use, you will be able to get it to work for you eventually, but patience is the virtue here. Hang in there Kent!