Art of Well-Being Series

By Karen A. Dahlman
Creating Expectations

Creating Expectations

I have been thinking a lot about the notion of “creating expectations,” as I am preparing for my journey next week to Brazil to visit the psychic healer, João Teixeira de Faria, known to all as simply, John of God. John of God purportedly heals many people from...

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Finding Joy to Your World!

Finding Joy to Your World!

December is a month that is synonymous with the holidays, gatherings, gifting, good cheer and wishing peace on earth. It can also be a time of frenzy as you attempt to not only lead your day-to-day life, but also include the additional events and preparations this...

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Owning Your Inspiration

Owning Your Inspiration

How often do you wait for the muse of inspiration to knock on your door? Sure, inspiration will eventually make its rounds, but you can also increase your experiences of inspiration by creating them yourself. You can access and create inspiration from within your own...

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Creative Visions Publications

thumbIs a Publishing House providing writings, audios & videos that inspire readers to follow their hearts, their Higher Selves and expand into their infinite possibilities of expression!

Karen A. Dahlman

Professional counselor, spiritual advisor & channel of Source wisdom

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