The MOON – 7/29/15:

Re: Using a Talking Board

The mind is quite powerful and if one must be “possessed,” the mind can instantly make that happen, right down to the physical ailments if need be. The energy would be better spent finding the real wisdom of the messages.

Did we mention how powerful the mind is? This may not be for all (using a Board), but all are able to communicate in one way or another if they choose.

Questions to Ponder:

Have you ever blamed an outside source for your less than positive experiences? Did you blame circumstances, another person or even a divination tool, such as a Ouija Board for things that have not gone so well? Not all messages coming through will be of the highest nature in the beginning stages of using this tool. You must learn how to navigate through the lower astral energies before you can reach the higher vibrations of Source Wisdom that are of your highest good.

Instead of blaming the Board or another for the less than positive messages received, look to your mind. This means look to your thoughts, feelings, intents and beliefs. Do you believe that the Board can produce “possession” and other numerous ailments and poltergeists? If so, this tool is really not for you. That’s okay.

If communication with varying consciousness is your desire, you have the ability within you to enable this. What other tools and techniques do you have at your disposal to allow Spirit to communicate?




About The MOON:
These are channeled messages from the Collective Group of Energies known as “The Moon.” This group of Beings first came to Karen in 1994 and were affectionately named, “The MOON,” because they entered the Board at the symbol of the moon. (Karen named them this, as they do not have names.) They communicate with Karen via the Board and with every session they have teachings to impart and thoughts to ponder.
These Beings are ethereal, light beings who have never been incarnated in a physical, human form and are truly androgynous. They come forward to share inspiration and teachings from the Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge of the Ages for practical applications within today’s world. They feel that all of us are in a process of evolution and through discourse we can help each other grow in prolific ways. Check back often to discover what they have to say…

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