Why the Struggles?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 8, 2018 | Blogs, MOON Messages
MOON Message – 10/7/18: Struggles are the building blocks of life and should be embraced. A runner will struggle up many hills in order to become a better runner. These must be friends not foes or the improvement they foster will never take hold in the race of...
Shoes in the Middle of the Floor
by Karen A. Dahlman | Aug 18, 2018 | Blogs, MOON Messages
MOON Message – 8/2/18: Sometimes it is easier to see someone else’s shoes in the middle of the floor. Questions to Ponder: How many times have you been able to point out someone else’s shortcomings, while overseeing your own? It may even be that you...
The Importance of Experience
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 14, 2018 | Blogs, MOON Messages
MOON Message – 2/25/18: The experience you have when you are chasing the experience you want is often more precious and profound. Questions to Ponder: Have you ever set out after an envisioned desire, pursuing what you expect to be the direct path to the desired...
As the Day So the Night
by Karen A. Dahlman | Jul 5, 2018 | Blogs, MOON Messages
MOON Message – 2/22/18: As the day so the night. That which is shiny and bright by day is dull and grey by night, but no less precious or purposeful. That which chooses to hide in the shadows at night will be revealed by the light of day. So do not fear the...
The Caterpillar
by Karen A. Dahlman | Mar 31, 2018 | Blogs, MOON Messages
MOON Message – 2/5/18: Remember, the caterpillar does the work, while they write poems about the butterfly. Questions to Ponder: We tend to glorify our triumphs, wins and end results, but what about honoring all of our moments of dedication, efforts, the trials...Creative Visions Publications
Is a Publishing House providing writings, audios & videos that inspire readers to follow their hearts, their Higher Selves and expand into their infinite possibilities of expression!