The Finest PR you can offer!

The Finest PR you can offer!

The MOON – 8/28/16: The finest Public Relations (PR) you can hope for is Personal Responsibility (PR.) Questions to Ponder: How we show up within the world is our “public relations,” but how we choose to navigate the world is our “personal...
Using the Board Alone

Using the Board Alone

Question: I listened to your interview on Coast to Coast Am a while back and was intrigued by your experiences with the Quija board. I myself have had some awesome experiences as well: at one point in my life when I was younger with my then husband and also within the...
OUIJA: Animal Communication

OUIJA: Animal Communication

The Ouija Board, as we know it today, was originally created in the United States in 1890 to be used as a novelty device for fortune-telling. However, soon after its introduction within the market, people began using it as a tool to communicate with the deceased. The...
The Finest PR you can offer!


The MOON – 7/25/16: Create! This is your life. It matters little what you create, but that you create. Questions to Ponder: “They” often discuss how we are the architect of our life or will use the metaphor that we are the director of the orchestra....
Being out of the Body

Being out of the Body

Question: I have recently had what can only be described as a near death experience…and it has me still thinking about it. I am wondering what your thoughts on near death experiences and being caught in the in between…or another dimension…where you...

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