The MOON – 5/12/15:
You can run towards something or you can run from something. The idea that you must be on the move can be a false notion. Often it may be a far better idea to stand in one place and let something come to you.
Questions to Ponder:
Think back to a time when you remained “still” and allowed a desire to come to you or an issue to work itself out. What did you gain or learn from doing this? Did taking a “stand,” as opposed to “running,” make a difference?
About The MOON:
These are channeled messages from the Collective Group of Energies known as “The Moon.” This group of Beings first came to Karen in 1994 and were affectionately named, “The MOON,” because they entered the Board at the symbol of the moon. (Karen named them this, as they do not have names.) They communicate with Karen via the Board and with every session they have teachings to impart and thoughts to ponder.
These Beings are ethereal, light beings of Source power who have never been incarnated in a physical, human form and are truly androgynous. They come forward to share inspiration and teachings from the Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge of the Ages for practical applications within today’s world. They feel that all of us are in a process of evolution and through discourse we can help each other grow in prolific ways. Check back often to discover what they have to say…
“Standing & waiting takes patience and trust–sometimes very hard to do, but essential.
I agree! This message is about a lesson (and practice) in trusting patience.
If one stands still and waits for something to come to them, it will not ever come to them. If you search for something, it will not be found.unless you place all of your energy into finding that one thing, but by then you will have lost ground by seeking one thing in life and or spirit.
One must move forward and hope they will encounter what they are looking for in life and or spirit, and they will one day find what they are looking for in life or spirit. By then they will realize that what they were looking for wasn’t as important as they once perceived to them. Go forward or perish both physically and spiritually. If you don’t grow, you die an ever slow death.
Thank you for your perspective, Robert! Your thoughts remind me about finding the “stillness” within a trusting path of growth…