The MOON – 5/23/15:
Is there ever a reason to complain? What context would justify complaining? To seek knowledge is always good, to try to bring about change is also good and usually okay if for the right reasons. To complain does nothing. We think you will complain still because it is comfortable and does not require change. It is difficult to stand naked before the Universe and declare: I created this! I chose this when the result of your choices do even the slightest harm to you or anyone else.
Questions to Ponder:
Can you justify your complaints or are they just “good” excuses to blame outside influences for your current lot? What would happen if you paused the blame for the complaints for a moment and enacted as if you could release them–just move beyond the tendency to complain without placing blame on someone or something else?
I loved this Moon message, Karen! I have learned to not complain in general and making my own decisions reflects on not only the outcome but my own, and others, attitudes. I choose to make do and be content and maintaining positivity. I’m still a work in progress because, let’s face it, no one is perfect.
Those are beautiful goals, Portia! Yes, we will slip, but then we get to just make another choice.
“Stand naked before the Universe” what a great metaphor to say that I no longer have anything to hide, I admit my wrongs and now I can move forward. It’s very liberating if you think about it.
Isn’t it, Rocky?! When we are naked–vulnerable–we can’t hide anymore.
Yes, I think SOME of my complaints are well, good reasons to complain about…. but then I must go within and see that what I’m USUALLY complaining about, is something inside myself that I cannot stand…. and with that comes total enlightenment! 😀 Love this moon message! 🙂
I agree, Ryan! I find that when I complain about something, it just keeps me in the muck and the mire and spiraling down as opposed to moving beyond the thing I’m complaining about, thus affecting the desired change for a positive progression.