The MOON – 7/10/15:
Cowards share the shadows with murderers and thieves – those who kill or steal your dreams!
Questions to Ponder:
Think back to a time when you may have placed too much credence on what another said or told you about following your dreams. What was the consequence? Can you follow your dreams and disregard the nay-saying cowards who truly only fear their own dreams?
Maybe in the shadowed recesses of my own mind where I am the saboteur, where I am the coward or thief is the first place I should look. As much as I would like to blame my deficiencies, or lack of execution of my own thoughts and dreams, on someone else I really have come to the realization that I am my greatest foe. This may be harder to overcome than friends and family when they tell me “you are not capable of great things”, because it is me that believes them.
It all really does boil down to what we ultimately believe about ourselves, life and the world at large!