The MOON – 8/19/15:
Why hide? There are many ways to hide: behind walls, with several emotions, with altered states. Why do you (humans) hide?
There is only one you. Everything else is camouflage to hide behind. What is so unattractive that you feel the need to ever hide? If you pluck out your own eyes, will there be no reflection in the mirror? Will people no longer be able to see you?
To really extend your sphere of influence, you must shrink your propensity to hide.
Questions to Ponder:
Although it seems an aspect of being human to hide some part of yourself from others for various reasons, do you sometimes hide out of habit? Are there times when you would rather not hide, but do so any ways? Think back to a time when you purposely hid by concealing a part of yourself or avoiding another. How did it leave you feeling? Have you ever become so good at hiding that you can hide a part or parts of yourself from you too?
The innocence of youth is lost when hiding is no longer a game and becomes of refuge. It may be time to reclaim some of that innocence.
Thank you, Rocky! We came into this world as a baby unable and without the need to hide. To reclaim that innocent time of just being without shame, justification or fear of being ourselves is an empowering thought.
Great message! I no longer hide. I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming and that is a powerfully gifted woman!
I love that enthusiasm, Portia! Stand up and proclaim it then the hiding subsides…