The MOON – 8/19/15
Source knows only love.
So, no matter the tragedy or the depth of (what we might label) “evil,” Source turns every action in such a way as to create a loving outcome and an immeasurable benefit.
Questions to Ponder:
Quite often we don’t have the foresight to see or understand a loving outcome or benefit when in the throes of a tragedy. Though, with the faculties of hindsight, can you think back to a time within your own life when something “terrible” happened, but now you have the clarity to see how the tragedy actually led you down a different path where a loving outcome presented itself? You may be enduring something right now that seems to be downright tragic or “evil” to you and your life, but can you trust that Source knows only love and the track record of your past shows that a loving outcome can ensue?
About The MOON:
These are channeled messages from the Collective Group of Energies known as “The Moon.” This group of Beings first came to Karen in 1994 and were affectionately named, “The MOON,” because they entered the Board at the symbol of the moon. (Karen named them this, as they do not have names.) They communicate with Karen via the Board and with every session they have teachings to impart and thoughts to ponder.
These Beings are ethereal, light beings who have never been incarnated in a physical, human form and are truly androgynous. They come forward to share inspiration and teachings from the Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge of the Ages for practical applications within today’s world. They feel that all of us are in a process of evolution and through discourse we can help each other grow in prolific ways. Check back often to discover what they have to say…
I understand the process of “dealing” when a tragedy or “evil” presents itself. Recognizing it and redirecting the mind to deal with it takes time, balance and a conjuring of peace from within. Everything happens for a reason. Thank you for this message.
“Conjuring of peace from within” is the perfect mantra we could all use during tough times. After all, we are a hologram of Source. Source resides within us. Your mantra allows us to embrace Source, thus love. Thank you, Portia!!