The MOON – 9/30/16:
We have to tell you that there are neither problems nor solutions. There are only your stories. This is a very difficult concept to understand, but extremely necessary. Your stories are simple tales you tell that allow you to stay stuck in your circumstances.
Questions to Ponder:
The Guides are asking you to review the current “stories” you are telling yourself and others about yourself. These stories are typically told to avoid change, to live up to others’ expectations, or to excuse yourself from the fears of actually succeeding. Figure out where you feel “stuck,” and change your story! Say to yourself: “I was once doing/feeling/being this and that, but now I am pursuing/feeling/being this and that.” You choose the new story by filling in the blanks. They want you to know that you will always make up stories as that is human nature, but instead, make those stories match your greatest joys. Do not worry about your past stories, instead, what is the new story you would like to tell about yourself right now? Claim it. Tell it.