MOON Message – 8/18/17:

The road for any worthwhile journey needs to be unclear. The water must be murky. Why is this? It is because the journey should be an adventure. If you can see the end of the road then where is the fun?

Questions to Ponder:

Instead of embracing the mystery of our lives’ unfolding events, we often want to know what is next, as an attempt to control the next step. When we fight the unknown by wanting to get out of the murky waters, we do so at the expense of missing every meaningful milestone along the adventurous journey called, Life.

Can you recall a time when you couldn’t stand the murky waters while in them to only discover a bit later down the path, the realization of the importance of the journey of not knowing and subsequently gaining the fun of it all?





About The MOON:
These are channeled messages from the Collective Group of Energies known as “The MOON.” This group of Beings first came to Karen in 1994 and were affectionately named, The MOON, because they entered the Board at the symbol of the moon. (Karen named them this, as they do not have names.) They now communicate with Karen through several means, including thoughts, voice channeling, meditation, writing, dreams and the Board. Within every communication they share teachings to impart and thoughts to ponder.
These Beings are ethereal, light beings of Source energy who have never been incarnated in a physical, human form and are truly androgynous. They come forward to share inspiration and teachings from Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge of the Ages for practical applications within today’s world. They feel that all of us are in a process of transformational growth and through discourse that leads to self reflection, we can grow in profound, empowering ways. Check back often to discover what they have to say…

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