A Channeled Message from The Guides: The Gift of Benevolence
The quality of the benevolence shown to you is in direct proportion to the benevolence you show to others. Take time to consider this on every level of your life.
Do your leaders show this benevolence or is their agenda more important to them?
Consider when creating an agenda for yourself that you are going to share with others, if it is good for them as well as yourself. If it is one-sided and/or weighted in a single direction, it will not have nearly the same impact as it will if it benefits the receiver equally with the giver. Give with an open heart and receive with the very same gusto. This is how you know that difference between benevolence and obligation.
To conclude: if you receive a gift please understand that there was a level of giving exchanged beforehand that you may not even realize. That gift given to you is usually a token of a gift that they received from you that you never realized you gave.
My Thoughts:
It’s always amazing to discover just how you have touched another soul. Although it may not be spoken, but the exchange, nonetheless, is always there. Carefully craft your intentions behind your interactions and watch your world blossom.
Cheers to making the impact that you do!