Written Book Review: Cosmic Cats – Exoconscious Pets
by Karen A. Dahlman | Apr 15, 2023 | Book Reviews and Interviews
A thirty six year old memory is triggered when the author reads, When Cats Had Wings. He writes, “…Dahlman’s book brought a tear to my eye–and more than one. I felt ‘twangs’ in my heart prompted by the beautiful story.” Read...
A Channeled Message: The Light of Your Being
by Karen A. Dahlman | Feb 19, 2021 | Art of Spirit, Blogs
A Channeled Message from The Guides: 1/8/21 Luminate the world you are in. See past convention and find the ground that is past words and speaks to you in a language that is beyond hate, fear and doubt. Be the beacon that lights the path of personal responsibility....
Revealing Ouija Tenets
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 30, 2020 | Art of Talking Boards, Blogs
Published in Haunted Magazine, Issue 28 / hauntedmagazine.co.uk / Order your copy: deadgoodpublishing.com
A Channeled Message: How You Will Know Them!
by Karen A. Dahlman | Aug 30, 2020 | Art of Spirit, Blogs
How will you know those who are great leaders?
Creative Visions Publications
Is a Publishing House providing writings, audios & videos that inspire readers to follow their hearts, their Higher Selves and expand into their infinite possibilities of expression!