Your questions: Who are my spirit guides? How do I meet them? How will she appear? What is his name?
Their questions: How do you know I haven’t already been in contact? Would you be able to recognize me when I appear?
When it comes to understanding your relationship with your spirit guides, your guardian angels and other ethereal helpers, the number one misconception is to automatically envision yourself as being disconnected from them to start. Instead, they beg to differ and want you to know that they are literally just a breath away.
The next fallacy you may believe is that they have to look and appear to you in a specific way. You’ve heard enough stories through reading and watching programs that they must obviously take on a human-like form, surrounded in a stereotypical bright light and donning fantastic wings, appearing to you at the foot of your bed while the angelic choir sings. My spirit guides once said to me, “Is it possible the homeless family that is asking for help is really a group of angels there to help you?” Judgment is a limitation.
Another assumption, which can limit you in making contact, is if you think your guide and angel must have a name such as Michael, Gabriel, White Feather, Melchizedek or another spiritually based name in order to be legitimate. Now, don’t get me wrong; it’s not that those names can’t or won’t be the name of your guide, but expecting to receive such of a traditional name can keep you from making the connection more readily and receiving the name that is indicative of your unique relationship. It’s all too easy to establish unnecessary blocks through one’s rehearsed criteria and preconceived notions as to how something should be, rather than how something organically just is. Names are not important within their realm of vibration, but they will offer a name that allows you to feel comfortable with the connection.
In order to move beyond any of these limitations and welcome these loving, supportive and inspirational relationships within your life, the following suggestions are shared to assist you with establishing these connections and deepening the ones you already have.
1. Invite Them.
Ask them to present themselves to you. They respect your free will, so their regular interaction with you starts with your invitation to do so. Make a declaration and request to meet them. State is out loud. This sends an energetic vibration of your desire to your guides. Since they have your best interests at heart they will respond.
2. Be Open.
Keep a journal for this purpose of meeting and working with your guides. Write your proclamation to meet them in it. Write them a letter requesting their presence. Know that they will come to you in myriad ways. Be open. Be ready to see, feel and hear their presence within any circumstance and situation. Record your dreams, day reveries, thoughts and encounters you have. You just never know where your angel will present itself to you. They take many forms to provide you messages, such as a song on the radio, a billboard message along the highway, a conversation you overhear, an animal crossing your path, the feather found along your morning walk or within last night’s dream.
3. Receive a Name.
Try the following exercise within your mind’s eye. Close you eyes and see yourself walking along a beach. Feel the sand in your toes and the cool mist from the ocean waves, brushing your body gently. Hear the waves break. Smell the salt. Enjoy this walk. Walk along the beach until you see a stick writing in the sand. Look down and allow a name to take form while an invisible hand writes. Watch as the name of your guide appears. Let it happen.
4. Be Worthy.
Know your worthiness. Seek the professional assistance you may need if you feel less than worthy of receiving such pure love. This is a very common block that may appear to be real, but in all actually, it is self-imposed and a mistruth. Everyone is included in these relationships, as everyone has guides and often has many guides that change as your adventure in life shifts and as you evolve.
5. Take Ownership.
Know that you have free will and are the craftsman of your experience. Own this. Your spirit guides and guardian angels are here to assist you in your personal empowerment and offer you the greatest gift, the gift of full acceptance. They will never tell you what to do, but they will guide and inspire you to find the answers you seek within and to evolve into your greatest self.
6. Be Joyous.
Have fun with this process and relationship. Joy begets a higher vibration, which creates an energetic pathway, allowing you to tap into powerful dimensions of creativity, inspiration, wisdom and assistance. Being in this space helps to make it effortless to experience your guides, as this is where they exist.
The beauty of this type of relationship is that whether or not you know your guides and angels exist, they are nonetheless present and with you always. You are never alone, as this is a path of infinite unfolding, providing a profound experience of unconditional love, and quite possibly, even a choir of angels singing.
Your spirit guides are awaiting…
Karen A. Dahlman ©
Author of: The Spirit of Alchemy: Secret Teachings of the Sacred Reunion
Hello… I have been in contact with my guides for awhile. This post brought a smile to my face and a bubble in my tummy. The saying that you get just what you need comes to mind. You have given me other ways to build my relationships with them, thank you. They love you and are so happy you have crossed my path. As well I will continue to read your messages from The Moon. They are indeed wise. As are all who choose to share these messages. I will inform you of any interactions and teachings I receive, maybe you can do the same. My guides have taken many forms and continue to amaze me. They know that I can get easily distracted and discouraged so they come to me in all kinds of inspirational, funny, and impacting ways. Its been difficult for me to move beyond my believed limitations and they were quick to come to my aid. I am and have been learning to trust in my own ability, to trust myself and that I am in control of my own destiny. Well perhaps how to get there. Trust in yourself they tell me, have told me over and over. However I am just human after all. An old soul perhaps but one that is still learning. Why would I be here if not. My Ancestors walk with me as well, relating knowledge and guidance. Their blood runs through me after all… if I am stuck wondering about how to bake a cake or make bannok I ask them, I open up to them and sure enough I will get some tips. Thank you so much for listening. I do not at the time have an outlet for all this and am grateful for your time. May the Winged Ones and the Return of the Bird Tribes continue bring with them the continued evolution of the Human Race. All my Relations…
Hi Tammy…I’m very happy to hear that this article touched you and inspired you to share your journey with your guides here with us. The more we acknowledge and invite them to assist us within our lives, the more they will do so. They honor our time and place here and they honor our free will. They will never interfere, but they will interact IF we invite them.
Your guides are spot on to talk with you about “TRUST,” especially in trusting yourself. And….I/we want to add that your journey/your process no matter which way it goes is the RIGHT PATH so therefore, you are always on the path that will teach you precisely what you are desiring to learn and know. Trust your way along the meandering path called life and know that everything you encounter along the way has purpose for your evolution.
Many blessings…
What if my spirit guide turns out to be a toad? Should I hold out for something more glorious?
What’s wrong with a toad as long as you are receiving uplifting, positive and insightful guidance? Never judge a book by its cover. Guides come in all forms. Instead, look towards the integrity of the message!