A Channeled Message: Thanksgiving 2016
by Karen A. Dahlman | Nov 15, 2016 | Art of Spirit, Blogs
A Channeled Message from The Guides – for Thanksgiving 2016 Greetings. We are pleased to be with you in this creative moment of Now. We would like to tell you that this is an auspicious time that is upon you in the United States of America, which your country calls...Solo Ouija: Is it Safe?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Nov 15, 2016 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Karen, I’ve been exploring my spiritual side a lot this year and want to start working with the ouija board but the only people I can find that are interested, I feel, are approaching it from the wrong direction (treating it as a party, alcohol...SIMPLE Light
by Karen A. Dahlman | Nov 13, 2016 | MOON Messages
The MOON – 11/6/16: Light and light: in the brightness of the light nothing is heavy, all is light. How SIMPLE is that! SIMPLE = Source Is My Perpetual Light Everywhere. Questions to Ponder: The Guides often express their points by using acronyms to aid in the...Ouija & the Nonbeliever
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 25, 2016 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: What are your thoughts about why the board does not work when someone does not believe? J. Answer: Hello J ~ To answer this question, we first need to explore why and how the Board works. From my experience a Board, as a tool, works for someone when that...Creative Visions Publications
Is a Publishing House providing writings, audios & videos that inspire readers to follow their hearts, their Higher Selves and expand into their infinite possibilities of expression!