Is the Board to be Blamed for Bad Luck?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Apr 12, 2019 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Honestly, this is such a long shot, but I’m reaching out to others who have experience with Ouija boards. Really just looking for some answers. My girlfriend and I played with this board that we purchased from Toys-R-Us. The last time we played it, it...
A Channeled Message: The Famous Helping Plant
by Karen A. Dahlman | Feb 15, 2019 | Art of Spirit, Blogs
A Channeled Message from The Guides: Plants, plants, plants. How come they can be so different and the same? The idea that I am a short life cycle light structure, though i have been around for thousands of years this makes a source of life that is sustainable to the...
Your Partner and Progress on the Ouija Board
by Karen A. Dahlman | Dec 21, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hi Karen, I am loving watching your videos and learning more about the ouija board. I especially loved when Panzer came through and Rodney teared up. He is such a sweetheart; you are lucky to have such a perfect board partner. Mine tends to dominate the...
How Do I Know Who is Coming Through?
by Karen A. Dahlman | Oct 24, 2018 | Art of Talking Boards, Ask Karen, Blogs
Question: Hello Karen, just wanted to say I have read your book The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication and it’s amazing. I Have my own spirit board which I use on my own and have had great results. Quick question, how can I know that my dad really...Creative Visions Publications
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