Ouija Apps

Ouija Apps

Question: We are in the day of technology. I believe you can find anything and everything in your app store. So the other day (more like two weeks ago) I was playing around on the phone and thought..huh I wonder if they have Ouija Boards apps? And of course, they do....
Align with Source

Align with Source

The MOON – 9/16/16: Take a moment to be that which you aspire to be and then in that moment you will see Source. Then simply create more of those moments. Questions to Ponder: Who are you meant to be? Is it possible that when you touch on this you feel aligned...
Align with Source

The Stories We Tell…

The MOON – 9/30/16: We have to tell you that there are neither problems nor solutions. There are only your stories. This is a very difficult concept to understand, but extremely necessary. Your stories are simple tales you tell that allow you to stay stuck in...
Creating Your Sacred Space

Creating Your Sacred Space

A sacred space can be a tangible or mental place where you encourage yourself to transcend the arena of the secular and enter into the realm of the venerated. This space promotes transmutation of your material matters, worries and concerns into a timeless sanctuary of...

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